If you have canceled the order or returned the items, you will first receive a confirmation email from us once the order has been canceled or your return has been processed. We will then refund the amount within the legal period of 10 working days. This applies to all payment methods.
How did you make the payment?
iDEAL or Bank Transfer: The amount will be credited to your bank account. We use our payment partner Mollie for this purpose. You will see their name on your bank statement.
Credit Card: A credit amount will appear on your credit card statement once processed. There may be a few days' delay, depending on the credit card company.
Klarna/Billink: We will ensure that Klarna does not send you an invoice or that they send a credit invoice if you have already received the invoice.
PayPal: The amount will be refunded to your PayPal account.
Gift Voucher: If your order was paid with a gift voucher, we will top up the balance. You can check your balance here.
Bol.com, Blokker, Wehkamp, FonQ, Beslist, or Amazon: We will instruct them to process the refund, and it will be reflected on your statement under their name. If this is not the case, please contact us via the "Submit a Request" button with your order number. We will then check if it has been processed in the system.