Can I still cancel my order?
Whether you can still cancel your order depends on its current status. Our warehouse is designed for efficient processing, with orders being picked and packed for shipment within a few hours. Once your order has been sent to our warehouse and is being processed there, unfortunately, it is no longer possible to make changes or cancel the order.
Can I make changes to my order once it is being picked in the warehouse?
Once your order is being picked in the warehouse, it is no longer possible to make changes to your order. Our processing procedure is very fast, with orders being prepared for shipment within a few hours.
Can I change the address after placing my order?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to change the address once you have placed your order.
If you accidentally entered the wrong address, we recommend closely monitoring your order’s tracking information. In many cases, the carrier offers the option to adjust delivery options, such as changing to a pickup point.